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Exclusively crafted to meet your skin’s unique needs.

With a commitment to your skin's health and wellbeing, we prioritize suitability above all else— If it’s not a good fit, we won’t do it! Our practitioners may modify any of the modalities based on your skin condition. And yes, our skincare experts are there to provide a thorough assessment and empower you with knowledge to foster a radiant complexion.

Our Signature Bespoke Wellness Facials

A perfect quick pick-me-up suitable for dry, dehydrated skin. Feed your skin with a nourishing serum cocktail for a nutritious, instantaneous skin rescue and a GuaSha face massage to help lymph flow.


  • Gentle pore purifying cleansing

  • Relaxing GuaSha/Gemstone facial massage

  • Dome Oxygen Serum Infusion

  • Green/Red LED Light Therapy

Best for: Dry, dehydrated skin, sensitive skin with compromised skin barrier

Duration: 45 minutes

Price: $199

Special/Advanced Facials

Experience the harmonious blend of science and serenity with this soothing, quick, pick-me-up facial experience that uplifts both your skin and your spirit. Using powerful tools—skilled and gifted hands, and the potent energy of the tourmaline gemstone, known for its ability to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). By reducing the impact of EMFs on the body, you can alleviate numerous discomforts, leaving you feeling refreshed, balanced, and rejuvenated.

Best for: Facial lifting, contouring, acne control, and overall wellness

Duration: 45 minutes

Price: $299

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