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Pixel8 RF Microneedling

We are excited to announce that Mary Dermcare LLC is now offering Radio Frequency Microneedling with our brand-new Pixel8-RF machine. This non-surgical procedure is used to smooth and tighten skin, slow the effects of aging, and address other skin texture concerns with little to no downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Pixel8 ?

Pixel8 is a Radio Frequency (RF) micro-needling devices use specially insulated or non-insulated needles that deliver high intensity radio frequency energy into the targeted tissue once the needles have broken through the skin. This  treatment utilizes bipolar energy, putting heat far down into the layers of the epidermis and dermis. The aim  behind this is to boost and revamp collagen and bring on the regeneration of the vital elastin cells. All of this  can pave the way for a complexion that’s a lot softer and more resilient. If you want the surface of your skin to  be a lot smoother and firmer, then this treatment may be just right for you. Pixel8 RF causes hemostasis and  coagulation, which activates the manufacturing of collagen, to help make the skin firmer. We can tweak the  depth of the microneedles for all specific treatment parts. This can come in particularly handy for patients who  need treatment below their eyes, on their cheeks, and their foreheads. This gives a uniform warming effect to  the deep tissue, which helps to stimulate new collagen fibers to grow, leading to significant improvement to  skin quality and texture. The Pixel8 microneedling technology helps with fine lines, enlarged pores, wrinkles,  acne scars, skin tightening, and stretch marks. The result is a nearly painless procedure that requires little to no  downtime and can greatly improve wrinkling, scars, and skin laxity.

 What is unique about Pixel8 RF Microneedling? - 


Traditional microneedling will deliver a positive effect over a few treatments; adding radiofrequency energy  reduces the time it takes to see great results and increases the results seen. With Pixel8 RF microneedling, the  results are produced faster, are more dramatic, and are longer-lived. The Pixel8 operates at a higher frequency  for enhanced patient comfort and quicker treatment times. It also has a proprietary enhanced delay which  enables patients of all skin types to benefit from non-insulated needles. This allows for more sustained uniform  heating throughout the procedure that should yield more significant textural and tightening results. 

What are the benefits of Pixel8 RF Microneedling?

• Firming skin on the face or body 

• Diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 

• Reducing the appearance of scars (acne or injury-related) 

• Improving the overall appearance and texture of the skin 

• Tightening sagging skin on the face, neck, and body 

• Minimizing the size of pores and/or acne scarring 

• Improving droopy skin around the eyes (eyebrow or eyelid) 

• Restoring more youthful appearance

How does it work?

Pixel8 RF microneedling combines two technologies commonly used for skin rejuvenation, radiofrequency  and skin needling. RF technology relies on the resistance within the skin itself to convert RF energy into heat  (thermal energy). This thermal energy causes collagen contraction and stimulation of collagen making cells  (fibroblasts) to produce more collagen. Traditional skin microneedling causes physical trauma to the skin and  through stimulation of the body’s own wound healing response also stimulates fibroblasts to produce more  collagen. When combined, fractionated RF microneedling gives enhanced results than could not be achieved  with either technology alone. Clinical studies show that microneedling RF can address the causes of aging,  significantly reducing wrinkles and age spots while tightening and lifting the skin on the face and neck with  minimal downtime and discomfort. It is less invasive than injectables and laser skin resurfacing while restoring  youthful radiance.

Hoe does Pixel8 differ from other laser treatments?

Lasers can help resurface the skin on various levels by repairing damage caused by the sun, aging, or scars.  RF microneedling treatments offer similar resurfacing results, with less downtime and for all skin types, which may make it a better option for some patients.

Does Pixel8 build collagen?

Yes. By itself, microneedling is capable of stimulating a higher production of collagen over time. However, when combined with radiofrequency, the effectiveness of these treatments increases tremendously due to how much more deeply the thermal energy of radiofrequency can reach the sub-dermal layers of skin. 

 What to expect? - 

As with all our skincare procedures, consultation and examination are necessary before Pixel8 RF microneedling.  For comfort during the treatment, a topical anesthetic cream is recommended over the area to be treated at least 30-45 minutes before the procedure is performed. During the procedure, the device handpiece is passed over the skin. The fine needles penetrate the skin, and the RF energy is delivered once the needles reach the desired depth (each pulse is less than 1 second). The procedure takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete but will vary depending on the area/s being treated. Immediately following treatment, your skin will feel warm but not painful, much like a mild sunburn. Over the following day(s) there may be mild redness and swelling. Bruising is uncommon.  

 What results can I expect? 

• one day after the treatment, there could be redness and transient edema (swelling). 

• three days - 1-week post treatment, your skin tone would be brighter and more even. If you have oily skin, you will notice a significant reduction in sebum production. 

• 1-month post-treatment of RF Microneedling, you would notice an improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Improvement in pores size, scars, and overall complexion is also significantly noticeable. 

• 1–3 months post-RF Microneedling treatment, you will notice a continuous improvement in wrinkles reduction and skin laxity. Collagen production has improved, and you can notice the fullness and plumpness of your skin. 

How does it feel? - 

Most patients tolerate the 20–30-minute Pixel8 RF microneedling treatment well. To help minimize discomfort during RF microneedling, a topical numbing agent is applied to the skin before treatment. Patients may notice a warm sensation and a pricking or scraping feeling during this treatment, but it is not typically painful. Following Pixel8 RF microneedling, it is normal to have some level of redness, swelling, irritation, and mild discomfort, but these symptoms usually resolve quickly on their own within hours. 

Why Are People Fans of Pixel8 RF Treatments? 

Pixel8 RF treatments are beloved by many because this procedure is quite tolerable, recovering is quick and easy,  and it yields great results. Getting treatment shouldn’t interfere with your schedule too much, as most people return to normal routines the next day. 

Will I need to take time off?

No, there should be no significant downtime from the treatment. 

 When will I see the results? How long do they last? 

You can expect improvements in the first few weeks after your initial treatment. These improvements will increase over the next six months as your body continuously produces new collagen. 

- How many treatments will I need? - 

Recommended at least 3 sessions, treatment once per month. The number of treatments varies depending on the desired result. 


Can it be used on all skin types? 

Yes. Compared to laser treatments, the Pixel8 RF utilizes only radiofrequency energy. The microneedles are designed to precisely deliver the pulse towards the dermis tissues. Visually, no thermal damage is made to  the epidermis, and it almost completely removes any risks of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on dark skin types. 




Recommended: Avoid Accutane for the past 6 months. Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of skin: retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, acids that may be drying or irritating to the skin (such as alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA), beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), exfoliating masks, salicylic acids, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide acne products) 5-7 days prior. Do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil for 3 days before treatment. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for two weeks prior. No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated 5-7 days prior.  No shaving on the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. If dense hair is present in the treatment area,  closely shave the area the day before you arrive at your appointment. Moles, warts, or actinic (solar) keratosis should not be treated. If you are prone to cold sores, take an antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and day of treatment.  Avoid blood thinning agents (aspirin, fish oil, Omega-3, Vitamin E) for 1 week prior. May resume the day after treatment.


Post-treatment - 

You should avoid harsh topical products or alcohol-based toners for 2 weeks. You can resume your normal skincare regimen after 24 hours. Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil for one week. Do not ice your face or use arnica or bromelain. These agents may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. You should avoid vigorous activity right after the treatment. You should avoid excessive heat or sun exposure for at least one week. Use sunblock with SPF 30 or higher. 

- How long does a treatment take? - 

Sessions generally take 20-30 minutes, depending on the treated area. For patients requiring more intensive sessions, a session may run 30 to 45 minutes long. Most patients will begin to see improvement after a single session; however, to complete your aesthetic goals, it is recommended that patients should do up to three sessions once a year to keep up the firmness, plumpness, tightness, and young-looking skin glow.

Is it safe? 

Yes. People are exposed to low levels of man-made radio frequencies daily. Devices such as TV, WiFi, and phones are one of the many examples of frequencies they are exposed to. Studies have shown possible known risks with RF  are potential burns made from thermal heating effects for people under the influence of high doses. However,  the Pixel8 RF procedure uses a minimal amount of RF required by trained skincare specialists and aesthetic providers to ensure the best and safe results possible. 

Who is a good candidate? 

The Pixel8 RF microneedling device can be used on all skin types, anywhere on the body, and all months of the year for anyone concerned about mild/moderate skin quality, texture, and anti-aging.


Treatment Cost


Face -                          $   850
Neck -                         $   850
Face & Neck -          $1,500
Chest -                        $   750
Acne Scars                $1,000
(Face or Back)

Stretch marks 
starts at                    $     500
(Abdomen, thighs, or any targeted area - from small to large- Price varies)
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