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Are you dealing with skin pigmentation concerns Let us introduce the BESPOKE Holistic appr

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a broad term that encompasses various skin conditions characterized by the darkening of patches or areas of the skin. Different types of hyperpigmentation can be caused by various factors, and they may require tailored treatment approaches.


Hyperpigmentation, including conditions like melasma, occurs when there is an overproduction of melanin in certain areas of the skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. Melasma is a specific type of hyperpigmentation characterized by brown or gray-brown patches on the face, primarily on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip. The causes of hyperpigmentation, including melasma, can be multifactorial:

  1. Sun Exposure: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a major trigger for hyperpigmentation, including melasma. Sun exposure can stimulate the production of melanin, leading to darkening of the skin.

  2. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during pregnancy, can trigger melasma. This type of melasma is often referred to as "the mask of pregnancy." Hormonal changes from birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can also contribute to melasma.

  3. Genetics: Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing melasma or other forms of hyperpigmentation. This means they are more likely to develop these conditions even with minimal sun exposure or hormonal changes.

  4. Medications and Cosmetics: Certain medications and cosmetics, particularly those that make the skin more sensitive to the sun (photosensitizing), can exacerbate melasma. These include some antibiotics, antifungals, and perfumes.

  5. Inflammation: Inflammation caused by skin conditions, such as acne or eczema, can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can be similar in appearance to melasma.

To treat melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation, a holistic approach that combines Pico laser treatment with other strategies can be beneficial. Here's how this combined approach can help:

  1. Pico Laser Treatment: Pico lasers can effectively target and break down excess melanin in the affected areas. As mentioned in the previous response, the ultra-short pulse durations minimize damage to surrounding tissues and can provide faster and more precise results compared to traditional lasers.

  2. Topical Treatments: Dermatologists may recommend the use of topical products that contain ingredients like hydroquinone, retinoids, vitamin C, or niacinamide to inhibit melanin production and encourage skin cell turnover. These products can be integrated into a holistic skincare routine.

  3. Sun Protection: Sun exposure is a primary trigger for melasma, so rigorous sun protection is crucial. This includes the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen, protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and seeking shade. Sunscreen with a high SPF and regular reapplication is especially important.

  4. Hormonal Management: For melasma related to hormonal changes, it may be necessary to work with a healthcare provider to address the underlying hormonal issues. Adjusting or discontinuing medications that contribute to melasma may also be considered.

  5. Diet and Lifestyle: A healthy diet rich in antioxidants and a holistic lifestyle approach that includes stress management, adequate sleep, and a well-balanced diet can support overall skin health and may complement the treatment of melasma.

  6. Professional Guidance: Consultation with a dermatologist or skincare professional is essential to determine the best course of action for individual cases. They can provide personalized advice and treatment options based on the severity and underlying causes of melasma.

A holistic approach to treating melasma should be tailored to the individual and may involve a combination of these strategies to achieve the best results while minimizing the risk of recurrence. Patience and consistency are key, as hyperpigmentation treatments often require time and ongoing maintenance.

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PicoLazer FAQs


- What is a Pico laser? - Pico laser technology is a non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment that can be used to address the majority of common skin imperfections, including spots caused by sun damage and acne scarring. Pico technology is regarded as one of the most advanced and sophisticated laser treatments currently available on the market. A picosecond laser selectively destroys the target / ink pigment without damaging healthy, normal tissue. This allows rapid clearing of the abnormal pigmentation with minimal collateral damage to surrounding tissue.


- What is unique about the PicoLazer technology? - This pico-second laser is dual-wavelength (1064nm and 532nm) and provides tattoo removal and skin revitalization procedures for wrinkles, acne scars, freckle, sunspot, and pigmented discoloration. There are different types of tattoo removal devices on the market, but not all lasers are created equal. Nanosecond lasers, which deliver pulses of light in nanoseconds, have been used for years. Picoseconds, on the other hand, are trillionths of a second. Studies show a picosecond laser removes tattoos faster and more completely than the existing nanosecond laser technology, resulting in upwards of 30% more ink clearance. How many treatments a patient will require depends on their tattoo size, tattoo colors, skin types, and other key factors. Several sessions may be necessary to effectively remove larger tattoos. Generally, treatments are spaced out with 4 to 6 weeks in between.


- What are some indications for PicoLazer? -

• Tattoo removal • Benign pigmented lesion removal • Sun damage, melasma, freckles, discoloration, and dyschromia • Treatment of acne scars and wrinkles • Skin lightening and brightening • Carbon facial


Pigment FAQs 


-What causes unwanted pigment? - Melanin gives us our skin color. Pigmented lesions including sunspots, age spots, and brown patches, are dark in color because the melanin is concentrated in one area of the skin. Most pigmented lesions come from sun exposure while some patients are born with them. Hormonal changes can also induce pigment changes in the skin.


- What types of pigmented lesions can the PicoLazer remove? - Lasers remove a variety of unwanted pigment. Age spots, freckles, and brown patches can all be removed with the PicoLazer. During consultation, your practitioner will put together a treatment regime to help you achieve pigment-free skin fast.


- How many treatment sessions will it take? - To improve the look of your skin and achieve a more youthful appearance by removing pigmented lesions will require only a few treatments. Darker, deeper, and larger pigmented lesions may require additional treatments; however, during the consultation, your practitioner will discuss treatment expectations with you.


-What does the treatment feel like? Most patients find the procedure tolerable and require no numbing cream or anesthesia. PicoLazer delivers energy in ultra-short bursts and patients often compare the laser pulse to a snap of a thin rubber band.


- What type of post treatment care is necessary? - The treatment area may be tender post procedure. It is important to keep the area clean and to avoid any irritation. Your practitioner will provide additional aftercare instructions as needed to ensure a quick recovery.


Scar Treatment FAQ’s


- How does laser scar treatment work? - Unlike surgery, laser acne scar treatment uses ultra-short pulses of laser light to reach deeply into the skin’s sub-layers, treating the support structure. Then the body’s natural healing process sweeps away older, damaged tissue and rebuilds it with fresh, new collagen and elastin—the crucial building blocks of normal-looking skin. It’s a fast and simple procedure that’s easy to tolerate and requires little-to-no downtime.


- What types of scars can be treated? -Laser acne scar treatment is FDA-cleared for acne scars on any area of the body, including the face. - Am I a good candidate for this treatment? - Laser acne scar treatment can work on many skin types, including very light and darker skin.


- How many treatment sessions will it take? - To improve the look of your skin and achieve a more youthful appearance by removing pigmented lesions will require only a few treatments. Darker, deeper, and larger pigmented lesions may require additional treatments; however, during the consultation, your practitioner will discuss treatment expectations with you.


- What does the treatment feel like? - Most patients find the procedure tolerable and require no numbing cream or anesthesia. PicoLazer delivers energy in ultra-short bursts and patients often compare the laser pulse to a snap of a thin rubber band.


- What type of post treatment care is necessary? - After the procedure, the treatment area may be tender. It is important to keep the area clean and to avoid any irritation. Your practitioner will provide additional aftercare instructions as needed to ensure a quick recovery.


- How many treatments will I need? - Acne scars will begin to show improvement in 2 treatments but a series of 3 to 5 treatments is recommended for optimal aesthetic results.


- How quickly will I recover? - Most people resume regular activities immediately following the treatment session.


- Are there any side effects? - Typical side effects include temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site. Unwanted pigmentation associated with the acne scarring should slightly frost (whiten) during treatment, then darken over the following 24 hours and then shed over time.


Wrinkle & Laser Facial Treatment FAQ’s


- How does it work? - The PicoLazer works by sending ultra-short pulses of energy – without heat – to targeted problem areas. The laser’s impact on the skin is intense, shattering the problem skin pigment or particles. These are then eliminated naturally by the body. Pico laser technology is a non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment that can be used to address most common skin imperfections, including spots caused by sun damage and acne scarring. Pico technology is regarded as one of the most advanced laser treatments currently available on the market.


- Am I a good candidate for this procedure? - If you have fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, mouth, or any area of your body including face, hands, and arms you may be a good candidate for the PicoLazer treatment.


- How long does it take? - The procedure can be performed in as little as 15 minutes or less, depending on the size of the treatment area.


- What does the treatment feel like? - Your treatment provider may offer ways to make this a comfortable experience. Since everyone is different, and this depends on the level of treatment needed, it is best to discuss all your options with your laser treatment provider.


- How many treatments will I need? - A series of 3-4 treatments is recommended. Treatment intervals are 2-4 weeks but can be up to 8 weeks for darker skin types. Each patient is unique and will be evaluated prior to treatment.


- How quickly will I recover? - Effects include temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site that typically resolves in less than one hour but in some cases may linger for up to 24 hours.


- Are there any side effects? - Adverse effects can include hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, mild erythema, edema, possible scarring, and infection. By following your practitioner’s post-treatment care instructions, you will significantly decrease the risk of these adverse effects.


Tattoo Removal Treatment FAQ’s


- How does PicoLazer laser tattoo removal work? - Laser energy is delivered to the tattoo, targeting the ink and breaking it down into smaller particles. The particles are eliminated through the body’s natural processes resulting in a lightening of the tattoo ink.


- What does laser tattoo removal feel like? - For many patients, the feeling of laser tattoo removal has been compared to what it feels like when getting a tattoo, however it is very fast. Your practitioner will work with you on the best comfort option based on your individual situation.


- How many treatments will tattoo removal require? - The number of laser treatments needed for tattoo removal is dependent on a number of variables such as ink type, size of the tattoo, location on the body, type of laser used, lifestyle habits, etc. During your consultation, a practitioner will evaluate your tattoo and recommend a realistic treatment regime to help you achieve the best results.


- How often will I need treatments? - While it typically takes 4-8 weeks for the body to absorb the ink particles, every patient and tattoo responds differently. Following the recommended post treatment protocol will likely improve the results and reduce the chance of small adverse events.


- How will my skin look after the laser treatment? - The ideal clinical endpoint for the tattoo treatment is an immediate slight whitening or “frosting” of the skin, however that will subside immediately after the treatment is complete. Other observable effects include mild swelling and redness. Your practitioner will direct you on how best to keep the area moist.


- My tattoo was treated with a laser in the past and didn’t clear, why would I try again now? - Until the launch of Pico technology, Q-Switched lasers had been considered the gold standard for removing tattoos. Q-Switched laser treatments use thermal energy to heat up and break apart the ink. Pico technology is far advanced and superior to that of traditional lasers.


- Can I lighten the tattoo to have another one put on top? - Tattoos can be lightened in preparation for a cover-up tattoo. Your practitioner may have you wait six weeks between your last treatment and when you have the new tattoo completed.


- How much does tattoo removal cost? - The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on several factors, including the size of tattoo and the number of treatments it will require. Most insurance companies will not cover laser tattoo removal since it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. After your consultation, your practitioner will provide you a price estimate for the treatment series

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